Under the guidance of the iMATCH team,  a new Masters of Science (MSc) degree in Advanced Therapy Medicinal Products (ATMPs) has opened to enrolment at the University of Manchester. This course is believed to be a world first focussing on this rapidly evolving area of medicine which is increasingly being used to treat a broad range of malignant and non-malignant diseases.

The MSc is designed to equip students, the workforce of tomorrow, with the necessary understanding of the challenges of bringing an ATMP through development and to patients. It has been created by leading professionals in the field with an aim to deliver both a broad overview of all aspects of the field of ATMP development and delivery as well as detailed insights into the rapidly evolving arena. In this unique course, students can choose to follow laboratory based or clinical research-based content with optional modules available covering a wide variety of ATMP indications.

The course is taught by experts in advanced therapies from across industry, academia, the health care and regulatory sector. Students will have extensive opportunities to interact with tutors to broaden their knowledge and experience of this exciting new field of medicine.

Anyone interested in the course should follow the link below
